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Rabbi Mendel Kessin
For a comprehensive list of Rabbi Kessin's lectures,click here:
For a comprehensive list of all Rabbi Mendel Kessin's lectures, click here:

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Feb 1, 20231 min read
Introduction to Derech Hashem -Rabbi Mendel Kessin at Yeshiva Rabbi Akiva
Recorded: Jul 25, 2012 M4a - Zip Download Link: (Please download and unzip the file to play the m4a audio file)- Click here to download: ...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Jan 31, 20231 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #124 - Why God Sometimes Appears Irrational
Given 01/30/2023

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Jan 30, 20231 min read

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Jan 10, 202322 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #123 - The Continuation of Yaakov's Task Through Yosef
Given 01/09/2023 Introduction What I want to do tonight is continue with the saga of Ya’akov and Esav but focus on the aspect of Yosef....

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Jan 3, 202328 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #122 - Yaakov's Completion of Esav's Task
Given 01/03/2023 Dedication This shiur should be a merit for the health and success of the families of Regina bas Yosef Reuven and...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 27, 202219 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #121 - The Roman Emperor who was Esav
Given 12/26/2022 Introduction I want to continue with the story of Ya’akov and Esav, a story that has tremendous repercussions for...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 21, 202224 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #120- Yaakov's Attempt at Getting Esav to do Teshuva
Given 12/19/2022 We’re in the midst of Chanukah. Let me dedicate this shiur to be a merit for the health and success of the families of...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 19, 202239 min read
Derech Hashem - The Way of God #68-Our Interaction with the Spiritual World
Given November 25, 2017 M4a - Zip Download Link: (Please download and unzip the file to play the m4a audio file)- Click here to download:...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 13, 20221 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #119 - The Essence of Chanukah and its Tikun
Given 12/12/2022 Transcription of the shiur will be available soon.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 9, 202240 min read
Cours Hebdomadaire Hashkafa #115 -Les élections américaines de mi-mandat de 2022 et l'Agenda Divin
Donné le 14 novembre 2022 Ce soir, je vais vous parler d'un sujet au sujet duquel l'Amérique est en effervescence, les conséquences des...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Dec 6, 202233 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #118 - A Deeper Understanding of the Story of Yaakov and Esav - Part 3
Given 12/05/2022 I am in the midst of the saga, the story of Yaakov and Esav. As I continue, we see a tremendous thing, how there's...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 29, 202227 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #117 - A Deeper Understanding of the Story of Yaakov and Esav
Given 11/28/2022 Summary Introduction Last week I spoke about the hidden story of Ya’akov and Esav which is a fascinating look at how the...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 25, 202238 min read
Derech Hashem—The Way of God #7
Given: October 26, 2012 M4a - Zip Download Link: (Please download and unzip the file to play the m4a audio file)- Click here to download:...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 22, 202223 min read
Cours Hebdomadaire de Hashkafa #114 - La Fin de la Domination du Erev Rav
Donné le 7 novembre 2022 Avant de commencer, ce shiour devrait être un mérite pour la santé et le succès des familles de Regina bat...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 22, 202226 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #116 - Esav - The Fourth Av
Given 11/21/2022 There's a comment I want to make concerning last week's shiur, that the reason for the elections was to see if people...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 15, 202236 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #115 - The 2022 American Midterm Elections and the Divine Agenda
Given 11/14/2022 Tonight, I'm going to give a shiur about something which America is buzzing about, the aftermath of the American...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 11, 202232 min read
Cours Hebdomadaire Hashkafa #113 - Le rôle d'Avraham Avinou dans l'Agenda Divin
Donné le 31 octobre 2022 Je veux juste commencer ce shiour en parlant de la signification du mois de Cheshvan ; c'est un mois spécial et...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 8, 202222 min read
Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #114 - The End of the Dominion of the Erev Rav
Given 11/7/2022 Before I begin, this shiur should be a merit for the health and success of the families of Regina bas Yosef Reuven, and...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Nov 1, 202231 min read
Derech Hashem - The Way of God #67 - The Presence Of God In Creation
Given: Aug 12, 2017 M4a - Zip Download Link: (Please download and unzip the file to play the m4a audio file)- Click here to download: We...
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